
green office design

We’ve been selected by a multinational technology company to design its one million sq.ft campus in Hyderabad, India.

Hosting the R&D department, the building will prioritise technology engagement and stimulation to encourage innovation and enhance the user experience.

Natural elements have a measurable impact on human performance by enhancing productivity and emotional wellbeing, reducing stress, supporting learning and creativity. To address the client’s core objectives, the team proposed a “natural workplace” concept in which technology is seamlessly integrated.

Natural elements have a measurable impact on human performance by enhancing productivity and emotional wellbeing, reducing stress, supporting learning and creativity.

office workplace design
office workplace design
green office design

The unique, multi-terraced building design creates strong connection between external and internal spaces. The team explored the metamorphosis of plants into products and incorporated these biophilic elements into the workplace.

Vertical green walls, plant art and hanging biophilic features have been incorporated. Designers engaged with landscape architects to create a cohesive, nature-inspired, educational journey throughout.

Working closely with artists in Hyderabad and across India to create strong cultural connection, the space integrates locally sourced artwork, furniture and materials, celebrating local craft.

office interior design
green office design
green office design

On the ground floor, the new workspace includes a large, welcoming arrival area. Large AV walls and luminous textile installations provide immediate brand immersion. The lobby features a range of interview, meeting and training rooms. A café, fully-fledged cafeteria, wellness centre and gym provide designated space for relaxation and recharging.

On the same floor, the “garage zone” – an area featuring materials and gadgets – is a place for engineers to experiment and innovate freely. The remaining floors offer plenty of diverse work settings ranging from open office space to hubs, casual meeting rooms, scrum areas, team rooms, focus rooms and more.

A platform for regional representation and innovation, the space will prioritise wellbeing and freedom-of-choice, while providing a springboard for experimentation and new ways of thinking.

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