
Titan building decarbonisation design

During the 2022 Greenbuild Summit, M Moser Directors, Christine Bruckner and Julian Rimmer, led a presentation on pathways to decarbonising the built environment through design.

Green wall sustainable design for DNB

The objective was to engage participants and create consciousness about the impact of design strategies on the environment, operations and people. Illustrating a series of case studies, we showed how M Moser challenges workplaces to reduce their climate impact and to achieve net zero.

Thanks to a valuable combination of expertise, our multidisciplinary team has developed a framework of change to reduce the carbon impact of buildings. The presentation explained relevant methodologies and techniques — from site selection and orientation, through passive, responsible design, to a holistic measurable matrix.

Christine and Julian shared a model for sustainable, healthy architecture that respects materials, space, people and the planet. It consists of four interrelated cornerstones:

Decarbonise through design Li-Po-Chun
  1. Context: beginning the decarbonisation journey with site selection and orientation.
  2. Implementation: articulating and classifying critical drivers for decarbonisation.
  3. Embodied carbon: defining embodied and operational carbon, as well as the operational critical aspects of specifications in relation to carbon.
  4. Impact on people and the planet: acknowledging the impact of design, construction and the operational periods of a building’s lifecycle. Understanding that buildings, and the health of people and planet are interdependent.

All of the above are essential to taking an effective and responsible approach to decarbonisation through design.

Learn more on our commitment to sustainability.