view of collaboration table in flexible workplace in london

How change management strategies support business transformation

Change is an inevitable part of any business. While navigating new paths can be an enriching experience, it may initially call for us to step beyond our comfort zones. With the support of an effective change management strategy, companies can explore unfamiliar territories, fostering unity along the way.

In this article, we’ll explore the potential of workplace change management and offer valuable insights on implementing effective strategies.

visual of change management strategies While a building change can happen overnight, it takes time for people to warm up to the idea.

What is change management?

Change management is the process of supporting people through a smooth transition from A to B. For example, a company may believe that more effective collaboration will improve performance, and seek to change its workplace environment and culture to align with new values.

However, change is not just a logical process; it’s also driven by emotions. In this case, people might be used to working in a cellular environment. Being asked to use a more agile space can feel like taking away their security. Without managing the human aspect of change, it’s challenging to achieve the desired outcomes.

view from workshop to develop change management strategies for a client in san francisco
close up of post it notes from workshop to develop change management strategies

The impact on employees

We understand that change can initially create uncertainty. Our approach focuses on turning this uncertainty into enthusiasm. You can build a sense of excitement by effectively preparing employees, addressing their concerns and involving them in the journey.

Considerations for change management

The most significant consideration for change management is typically the people involved. Change can be disruptive, whether a slight process improvement or a major organisational transformation. How individuals respond to change can significantly impact the success of any initiative. Therefore, understanding and addressing the human aspect of change is key.

Understanding people's readiness to change helps form our change strategies.

Successful change is best led from inside. Our role is to provide your people with the expertise, structure and tools for successful change and to coach them through the transformation.

Frances Gain, Senior Associate, Workplace Strategy and Transformation

The benefits to an organisation

The implementation of change management strategies brings several clear benefits:

Improved engagement: By involving people in the process, they gain a better understanding of the reasons behind the changes, the expected outcomes, and how these changes will impact them personally.

Boosting morale and culture: Ensuring that values are aligned, offering necessary support to improve company culture, productivity, and talent retention.

Building excitement: Fostering enthusiasm and engagement, motivating individuals to embrace and actively participate in the transformation process.

Maximising return on investment (ROI): Through employee training, resource allocation, and addressing concerns from the start, change management prepares people on day one to minimise productivity loss during the adjustment period.

Facilitating restructuring: Creating a cohesive workforce following mergers, acquisitions or a relocation by aligning different corporate cultures and common goals.

Culture mapping exercises understand where people are currently and where they want to be, helping to bridge the gap.

Change management is more about managing people’s expectations than managing change itself. We communicate the purpose, listen to any concerns and give people the tools for making the most of the change.

Zoe Yakubu Sam, Senior Workplace Strategist
view from interactive workshop to develop change management strategies for a client in hong kong
view from interactive workshop to develop change management strategies for a client in hong kong

Supporting clients through significant changes

At M Moser, we integrate our change process into the early stages of a project to ensure a seamless transition. Moreover, our approach is scalable, whether it’s handling internal communication or executing a comprehensive months-long change programme.

We understand that change is a journey. As reactions unfold, our roadmap may adjust accordingly. Remaining agile is crucial to address people’s needs during this process. Our primary focus is facilitating the necessary changes in individuals, ensuring they are fully engaged, supported and on board with the transformation.

Moreover, we utilise technology to communicate the changes. Our approach ensures everyone understands the new process and feels supported throughout the transition.

view from using technology to deliver change management strategies for a client in london Technology can simulate the new office and help employees experience it before it’s built.

In summary, change management is crucial for business success and employee engagement. Organisations can overcome challenges and achieve significant benefits by implementing effective change management initiatives.

Contact us to see how change management can help you navigate a transformation journey with excitement and confidence.

Frances Gain

Associate Director, Workplace Strategy and Transformation

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