

Architectural Digest interviews Group Managing Director, John Sellery amid the global pandemic. He highlights how M Moser, along with other architectural and design firms, is addressing instituted travel bans, mandatory quarantine, restrictions on large gatherings, and the shutdown of restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues.

We have taken steps at our locations around the world to protect the health and safety of our clients, partners, colleagues, and their families while maintaining business continuity.

John Sellery, Group Managing Director

M Moser is currently enacting working from home measures while actively monitoring ongoing projects. “Some of our efforts have included regular internal communications, highlighting up-to-date advice from global health organisations to ensure employees are informed; formal emergency-preparedness procedures for offices in regions where the virus has escalated; and a focus on mental as well as physical wellbeing. We are looking at this as an opportunity to enhance our ability to work flexibly”, shares Sellery.

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